
Professional Practices Syllabus

COURSE TITLE: Professional Practices for the Illustrator
INSTRUCTOR: Susan Bonner
BLOG: propractice.blogspot.com

Course Description:
• Students will study current illustration markets, learn essential business practices and create the printed collateral necessary for doing business as an illustrator or animator.

Course Goals:
• To become knowledgeable of the various professional illustration markets.
• To be able to market themselves and conduct business as a free-lance illustrator or animator.

Course of Study:
• The first part of the semester will be spent researching illustration markets. Students will make a
presentation to the class covering emerging trends, and examples of professional work for a chosen
• The second part of the semester will be spent developing a marketing plan for pursuing their work a
particular illustration market. This career plan or business plan will include developing a database of
relevant companies, professional organizations and agents as well as a plan for the creation of promotional
materials (website, brochure, business cards, stationary, etc.). Students will make a presentation to the
class covering legal issues, pricing/salary, agents, market demographics, potential clients and their
promotional plan for a chosen market.
• The third part of the semester will be spent digitally creating the necessary collateral for doing business as an illustrator, including; estimates, invoices, cover letters, resumes and financial spread sheets. A class critique will be held.
• The fourth part of the semester will be to create a simple personal Web Portfolio in the form of a blog.
• The instructor will perform demonstrations/tutorials on using the software including Excel, Powerpoint, Blogger, Illustrator, inDesign and Photoshop.

• More than 3 unexcused absences will negatively effect your grade. Each absence beyond 3 will continue to negatively effect your grade. Arriving to class late will also lower your grade.

Grading will be based on:
• Timeliness and presentation.
• Quality of research and assignment preparation.
• Quality of project execution.

• Backup plan: cds or external hard drive.
• 1 3 ring binder notebook - 1/2" or 1" - for hand outs and notes.
• sharpie, pen, pencil, paper.

Supplementary Resources for Student Research:
• kendallweblab.com
• 11th Edition, Graphic Artist’s Guild and North Light Books
ISBN: 0-932102-12-3
Inside The Business of Illustration by Steven Heller and Marshall Arisman
Allworth Press, New York